AMINEX - American Insurance Executives Company Profile

Company Name: AMINEX - American Insurance Executives
Phone: 508-520-2212
Company Website:
First Name: Lou
Last Name: sinks
Company Profile:

AMERICAN INSURANCE EXECUTIVES - Beginning in 1990, AMINEX has devoted its full resources and capabilities to providing the insurance community with career options, advice, and most importantly, great jobs. This specialization enables us to identify and target those positions that best meet the individual needs and specifications of job seekers in the areas of underwriting, claims, marketing/sales, account management, IT and all other insurance related positions at the staff, management and senior management levels. FOR INFORMATION ABOUT SPECIFIC POSITIONS, OUR STAFF OR TO CONTACT US, PLEASE VISIT WWW.AMINEX.COM OR CALL 508-520-2212 Lisa Lepore, Partner Lou Sinks, Partner

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